Mirattal is a bilingual movie to be released in Kannada and Tamil. Mirattal stars actor Vinay and Sharmila Mandre in the lead roles. Santhanam plays the role of a comedian. The movie is directed and produced by R Madhesh. Popular actors Prabhu, Ganja Karuppu, Pradeep Rawat, Mansoor Ali Khan, Pandiarajan and Uma Padmanabhan play the supporting roles.
Music is scored by Pravin Mani. Mirattal is a remake of successful Telugu movie Dhee. R Madhesh is a well-known producer who gave successful movies such as Mudhalvan, Chocolate, Madurey. He also co-directed Mudhalvan and has directed Chocolate, Madurey. He also directed Arasangam which was actor Vijayakanth’s 150th film. Mirattal is set to release on July 27th 2012.
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